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Congressman demands $14 TRILLION in reparations to black Americans

 @FabulousOppositionRepublican from Tennessee commented…4mos4MO

Call me a cynic but somehow I feel that even if you gave $100 trillion, *nothing* would change.

Not the grievance culture, not the demands, not even the standards of living. By the end of the decade, everything would circle back to step 1 and the song and dance would begin again.

 @GrizzledConservaConstitution from Illinois commented…4mos4MO

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington agreed…4mos4MO

These people can just go back to Africa if America is so terrible. But there are plenty of decent black people who love this country and work hard for it, like Booker T. Washington and S.B. Fuller, who scolded their fellow black men for whining about racism instead of becoming self-sufficient entrepreneurs and hard workers. Get some of that spirit and the problem is solved. But if you aren't willing to take some initiative, get out of my country. I don't want to pay to support you.