Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @9JQMYFH from Washington answered…4mos4MO

The idea of communication between individuals using a conscious connection, would violate the fundamentals of human nature. Similar to Frankenstein's story, we would be acting against the laws of nature.

 @9JQJMGQRepublican from Virginia answered…4mos4MO

The party's platform is based on the ideas and principles of transhumanist politics,human enhancement, human rights, science, life extension, and technological progress.

 @9JQHS5K from Texas answered…4mos4MO

The party's platform is based on the ideas and principles of transhumanist politics,human enhancement, human rights, science, life extension, and technological progress.

 @9JQJPNQDemocrat from Texas answered…4mos4MO

Communication between people of different ethnicities would be much better, since there would be no more communication barriers.


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