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10 Replies

 @EmpathicChowderLibertarian from Massachusetts commented…4mos4MO

High time for Kiev to negotiate a peace accord with Russia, or more accurately to surrender. End this gratuitous carnage. It's over.

 @JumpyOcelotSocialistfrom Illinois commented…4mos4MO

Surrender wouldn't have been necessary if we hadn't provoked the invasion and their ultimate defeat.

Now, instead of being in a position to negotiate, if Little Vlad Zelensky is still alive, he'll have terms dictated to HIM instead. But I don't think he'll be in office much longer.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…4mos4MO

I've got news for you – Vlad isn't going anywhere, and he's pummelling Zelensky's bloody carcass with unprecedented force. Vlad's winning, and there's nothing we can do about it.

 @AshamedChoughDemocrat from Georgia commented…4mos4MO

Blame Trump and the sorry Republican leadership in Congress. As a Republican, those who fail Ukraine won’t get my vote

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…4mos4MO

And they aren't asking for it. 60% of Americans want to leave Ukraine, 50% want a ceasefire in Gaza, around that number want no Taiwan aid. The era of warmongering is coming to an end.

 @F1libusterPaisleyLibertarian from Arizona commented…4mos4MO

They’re running short of manpower and they’re losing aka not making significant progress. How many more Ukrainians have to die to satisfy the war mongers in America? People who care so much should fly there and join the fight. Godspeed.

 @EuphoricDeficitGreen from California commented…4mos4MO

Ukraine is not only getting poor but is losing men in combat, and many will be handicapped for life. They already lost about half of their 900,000 active military members. The toll on Ukrainian society is quickly becoming unbearable, people refuse to serve in the military.

The Ukrainian oligarchy is comparable to the Russian oligarchy in terms of corruption. Ukrainians slowly understand that this war is not worth fighting for, because it only serves the interests of a few Ukrainian oligarchs and the U.S. military industry. Even US citizens understand that waging a proxy war with Russia and their nukes is a risk better avoided.

 @CleverP0l1cyLibertarianfrom North Carolina commented…4mos4MO

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…4mos4MO

Thank God we're finally getting out of this war, after all this astonishing waste.


If faced with limited resources, should the U.S. prioritize domestic needs over international aid?

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