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6 Replies

 @R3d1strictingVultureGreen from Kentucky commented…5mos5MO

Brookings Institution data shows the exact opposite of Oxfam.

Oxfam also fails to divide wealth levels by the amount of effort put into capturing earnings with which to feed, cloth and house oneself. For decades our urban socialist enclaves put nothing into the denominator yet receive endless transfer payment wealth from the numerator.

The effort-adjusted wealth comparison shows no wealth inequality.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

That’s just hilariously false, billionaires didn’t “work” to make their money, no one “works” for 100 million let alone over 200 billion in unrealized gains. You clearly don’t understand the term “socialist” either.

 @Unit3dNationsSophieRepublican from California commented…5mos5MO

I question all the do goodery institutions.

There is every incentive to not achieve your goal, when so many 6 figure plus salaries are involved, let alone all the social opportunities and celebrity worship the fundraising events provide.

Show me one organization raking in money like these organizations are, that has ever said "mission accomplished, thank you for your help but we conquered (issue), and we no longer need your money"

 @AmusedV0terConstitutionfrom Minnesota commented…5mos5MO

People who complete high school, get married and then have children have the best chance to improve their lives. But the left's constant nanny state does just the opposite, it encourages single family parenting with no father in the home, and the mother always on welfare from the state. Progressivism ALWAYS ruins whatever they touch, no exceptions.

 @AntelopePhilLibertarian from Oklahoma commented…5mos5MO

Inequality is kind of the basis for natural selection, so it has existed since life began.

South Park had a great episode about inequality. Kyle is asking his dad why they have more money than his friends. His dad answers “well that’s because I went to law school and became a lawyer. Your friend Kenny’s mom is a crack w$&*^%. One job pays more.”

Thomas Sowell explains these things to the mind. South Park aims for the id.


If global poverty is at its lowest, why do you think there is still so much talk about economic inequality; how should success be measured?

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