Try the political quiz

24 Replies

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

Just what is actually wrong with it? If the society consents to these kinds of taxes, if these people ar slicing happier lives and it’s truly stable, if the government is for the people, how is needs being provided for a bad thing? I’ve asked this before, but your only response is “taxation = theft”, but what other reason could there possibly be that this is bad?

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…5mos5MO

Because no matter what the motivations were behind it, taking people's money without their permission is, by definition, THEFT. The majority may vote for it, but what about that minority that opposes it? Shall they be oppressed and plundered from? On the one side you have free marketers like myself, who say, "Thou shalt not steal," and socialists like yourself, who say, "Thou shalt not steal expect by majority vote."

As for the government providing for the needs of the people, I've got news for you – the government can't give you anything it didn'…  Read more

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

Once again, taxation isn’t theft, you didn’t own that money before, the market gave it to you as a reward, more specifically, it was passed to you from your employer, who could adjust how much you’re given at anytime regardless. Pre-taxation income was decided from the beginning by your employer, the federal minimum wage (which you stand against), guarantees a basic living wage so that they have less power over your already-arbitrary income. The taxation afterwards is just another filter, yet another method of using income, something you weren’t liable to in the first…  Read more

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…5mos5MO

Not that I honestly expected you to, but you still haven't tried to explain how taxation is NOT theft, or, if you did, it was so incoherent I didn't notice it. Instead, you're denying the very existence of private property rights by claiming no one owns his income, it is what the market gave him as a reward. This conversation is pretty much over if we can't agree that private property is a fundamental right.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

Private property is a right that comes from the government itself, and as such, as you have already agreed to in the Social Contract when becoming a citizen, you are supposed to pay taxes. It’s in the contract, and as such, isn’t stealing. Those rights are enforced by the government, and can just as easily be taken away, therefore, your pre-tax income is not owned by you personally as much as changed hands. I’ve literally explained this, that very thing is WHY it’s theft, because you literally signed so that you agreed to it in the first place.

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