Try the political quiz

10 Replies

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

The claim that the president Biden isn’t gonna do anything to secure the border is utter bull. Recently, he’s stated that once a new bill (if passed) becomes law, he’ll have the authority, given by that bill, to shut down the border of overwhelmed, and has repeatedly stated that he will do so the MOMENT that it’s passed.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…5mos5MO

After attempting to tear down the only defence Texas has against these illegals, thereby opening the floodgates for utter anarchy? Deeds speak louder than words, and when you look at his deeds, not his politically-motivated lies, you'll see that he is the most anti-American and pro-Alien president in the history of this country. What's blinding you to that, God only knows...

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

He’s a proponent of that spending bill himself and is quite literally daring congress to do something. He’s recognized the problem, and because he’s disagreed with a wall, he had a much harder time finding an agreeable bipartisan solution (his own party would destroy him if a wall was created, and honestly, I’d be likely to leave as well if that was the solution), so instead, after two months of negotiations and a desperate desire to remain competitive on the issue, he’s been working on a spending bill to add emergency powers to shut down the border, speed up the…  Read more

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…4mos4MO

That spending bill he proposed would send another 60 BILLION, WITH A "B" to Ukraine, and only very meagre resources to the Border! This is more about the neocon foreign policy that a genuine attempt to secure our border – after he's let 8+ million aliens into our country!

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

The emergency powers afforded set a maximum immigration limit per day, if it reaches over 5,000, then it’s shut down, and he’ll do that WITHOUT HESITATION the moment he gains the chance, because if he doesn’t, he can kiss the slightest chance of re-election goodbye. He’s gonna get those results because he depends on them, and trump himself has spoken against the bill merry by the fact that it’s Biden who’s doing it. Before, republicans were receptive, then we reached an election year and they just decided to shut it down and delay until trump has a chance of coming back in because then THEY can say that their party shut down the border.

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