Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @NominationNickRepublican from Massachusetts commented…3mos3MO

2024 is going to be rigged!

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…3mos3MO

You're right. Our voting privileges have been vaporised. We no longer have the ballot box at our disposal. Instead of waiting for new leadership, we need to take the fight to the feds by utilising the secret weapon States have against the general government – Nullification. States have ancient powers to reject ANY federal law they deem unconstitutional – we can essentially use this to terminate the Deep State and, if need be, the entire federal government. Look up the Tenth Amendment Center – a great conservative nonprofit that has FREE articles and videos explaining all you need to know about this powerful weapon. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison thought it the most important check against tyranny the people of the states had at their disposal. Conservatives can't afford to ignore NULLIFICATION & SECESSION.

 @L3ftLeaningDolphinRepublican from Ohio commented…3mos3MO

ZERO chance the Establishment allows Trump near the White House again. None. Nada. Zip.

 @PollingPlaceDingoConstitution from North Carolina commented…3mos3MO

We need to vote in mass numbers, keep an eye on it, and work them. No excuses! We have to vote!!!

 @HonorableDemocratDemocrat from California commented…3mos3MO

If you read the article, it was a logging error, not fraudulent voting.

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