Try the political quiz

7 Replies

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…3mos3MO

Birthrates of white people are less than two children per couple, birthrates of immigrants are vastly more than that. Do the math – white population declines, minority populations sky-rocket, Democrats pander to these groups with the "oppressed/oppresser" narrative, scapegoat whites for every problem, eventually leading down in a few decades, or before, to a Holocaust of whites, and White Codes, a version of "Jim Crow" against whites. This is reasonable, and we have no reason not to believe it what with the current race-mongering politics of these cunning politicians.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…3mos3MO

It’s also the only thing keeping the US above the replacement rate of children, because the working conditions in the US are garbage, so having multiple kids is unsustainable, so those large-family mentalities are often destroyed. Mexicans often are viewed with the “oppressed” perspective, and the majority of them are actually conservative, so their political beliefs aren’t really gonna shift the nation left-wards. They also don’t scapegoat white people for everything, that’s really not the most common goal as much as republican scapegoating (far more commo…  Read more

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…3mos3MO

It's not because the working conditions in the United States are garbage, it's because the Federal Government plunders so much money from average Americans that they have to work eight hours a day, five days a week, for SIX MONTHS just to collect the money they'll pay in taxes for ONE YEAR. So half their lives, they are slaving for the sake of an unaccountable government. Think about how much the average American is taxed – you wake up in the morning and turn on your lights – electricity is taxed. You turn up the thermostat – energy taxes. You go to use water,…  Read more

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia disagreed…3mos3MO

The federal government creates negligible “plunder” in comparison to surplus wealth theft, nearly in several times the amount expended in taxes, even after necessary funding for the enterprise. You are also aware that much of the funding goes directly back to the upper class in the form of corporate subsidies to further enrich the very people stealing on a daily basis, right? If your paycheck came back and it showed you the total you provided as a worker, what you got, how much taxes were, and how much goes directly to the hands of the capitalist, people would be rioting for money…  Read more

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington disagreed…3mos3MO

That's absurd – the average person would save well over 13,000 dollars a year, per person, meaning the family of four would save fifty-two thousand dollars per year, if not for the ludicrous taxes imposed on the working class, whereas certain people being extremely rich does not harm anyone in the slightest. Imagine how well we'd be doing if the average family of four made 52 thousand more dollars per year – we'd have the greatest boom in history, instantly. That's what would happen if we abolished or even relaxed these taxes.

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