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23 Replies

 @AlertSocialJusticeLibertarian from New Mexico commented…3mos3MO"high efficiency" appliances, "smart" grids...etc. All cut from the same cloth: generate the illusion of "doing something" about a "crisis" that the elites have mostly manufactured out of scientism. None of these are designed to actually make our lives better, they are designed to make people "feel" better. The cardinal sin is to ask for a true cost-benefit analysis. Green energy fails every time.

 @RedStateAudreyGreen from Colorado disagreed…3mos3MO

Never heard the word scientism...but I think you may have it, a fear of science and the need to pretend that there is not climate change due to humans and their behavior. Seems all the electric vehicle hate boils down to a need to prove they are more polluting that thei gasoline powered breathren and not necessary becausee there is no climate change and no problem with burning the most fossil fuel possible. Green energy does not fail every time...even Texas gets more than 30% of all its electricity from solar and wind...why do solar power and wind frighten so many Republicans?

 @NomineeGorillaAmerican Solidarityfrom Washington agreed…3mos3MO

I am a Republican (at least I used to be, but that’s another topic) and I don’t fear solar or wind. Let’s develop all the energy technologies we can and see what works and how we can improve those technologies. I believe in science, real science, the scientific method, which is a continual search for truth. What I don’t like are government mandates that purport to rely on “settled science” and seek to suppress dissent. The crisis that was the Covid pandemic was a great example of this. The powers that be established narratives that were not to be questioned, many of which have been prov...

 @RedStateAudreyGreen from Colorado agreed…3mos3MO

Rising sea levels are also relative. There are several great, ancient cities now well under water. If land masses are changing, if water bodies are changing, we can adapt. The earth will do as it must in the solar system it resides within. We already have had to adjust magnetic north coordinates due to earth axis movement which, by the way, must have impact on different regions local climates.

Can we not trust and work with the earth? It really is our only option. It would be nice to do so without polluting it with turbines and toxic mining. Instead, let’s clean up the plastics and other trash. We can adapt.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington disagreed…3mos3MO

We're not "afraid" of green energy – what we despise is an overreaching government encroaching on our most sacred rights and policing our every business decision and financial choice. And that, history demonstrates in no uncertain terms, is a thing indeed to fear.

 @Bl4ckBoxIkeConstitutionfrom Georgia agreed…3mos3MO

"designed to make people "feel" better."

The sanctimonious (and nearly always affluent) people who plant lawn signs proclaiming how virtuous they are, are probably the most influenced by such emotions

Overall, I think its designed as a green grift ... consumers & taxpayers will pay tens or hundreds of Trillion$ to transition the world. There is an army of consultants, gov't officials, administrators, crony capitalist, etc, standing buy to take a maximum cut of those Trillion$.

 @AlertSocialJusticeLibertarian from New Mexico agreed…3mos3MO

It is a gigantic marketing plan to convince everyone to buy a "pet rock" and make a lot of money for someone.

A fool and their money are soon parted by government regulations. Vote them out.

 @PoliticHazelLibertarian from Florida commented…3mos3MO

We don't need these mandates, we need choice, we need freedom. The freedom to buy an electric car that loves smoking tires or buy whatever car you want. Net-net the best thing you can do for the environment is simple: never buy a new car.

 @C0nstituti0nalSausageTranshumanist from Texas disagreed…3mos3MO

I checked this entry because of its cleverness. But wait: where are the used cars of the future to come from, if nobody buys a new car?

 @PoliticHazelLibertarian from Florida disagreed…3mos3MO

They're already here, they're every car on the road. But also, environment shouldn't be the only thing you care about; sometimes you want the latest model to impress your friends. Full disclosure: Stellantis is about 12% of my portfolio

 @G3rrym4nderSkylarGreen from Iowa disagreed…3mos3MO

Most birth rates have dropped below 2 per female globally. We won't need as many new cars as some predict.

 @SoulfulSnailDemocrat from New York commented…3mos3MO

Hybrids are a far better solution. Toyota had it right all along.

 @BoldS0cialistRepublican from Minnesota disagreed…3mos3MO

EVs are not a real solution. Beam Transporters are.

 @SoulfulSnailDemocrat from New York disagreed…3mos3MO

Love the narrow-minded, short-sighted, backward-looking mindset of Republicans.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…3mos3MO

Oh really? Because it sure looks like this new study proves that our "narrow minded, short-sighted, backward-looking mindset" about EVs turned out to be absolutely right ... and your "open-minded, far-sighted, forward looking" theories utterly wrong!

 @Gr33nPartyBurritosGreen from New Jersey commented…3mos3MO

What? Suddenly particulate tire pollution from tires on EVs (because they weigh more) is a huge problem? Seriously? If the tire/weight particulate issue was as serious a "deal-breaker" problem as you allege it to be, then we need to immediately get rid of all of those overweight SUVs, huge pick-up trucks and bloated luxury cars as they generally weigh more than an EV. Wake up... EVs are not the enemy, disinformation is. This article only shows the rather distorted "guidance" of the right wing leaders pandering to the oil and gas industry.

 @GratefulSeafowlPatriot from Texas disagreed…3mos3MO

Uhm...lots of EV companies are producing or planning "...SUVs, huge pick-up trucks and bloated luxury cars..."Apples to apples if you would, please.

 @Gr33nPartyBurritosGreen from New Jersey disagreed…3mos3MO

The point is, this article has zero mention of the simple fact that there are a lot of heavy vehicles (SUVs, pick-up trucks, luxury sedans) whose tire wear has not been mentioned or is of any concern. Yes, tire particulates are a problem, but suddenly decrying it as an EV problem is disinformation and pandering by the publishers to push a point that is ridiculous.

 @FranchiseCalLibertarian from Illinois commented…3mos3MO

The ultimate goal is to ban automobiles. They provide too much personal freedom. Any lies that support the goal are acceptable.

 @AnxiousPollsterVeteran from Michigan commented…3mos3MO

In China, with its great success with EV's, electricity is primarily from coal. Meaning cars are essentially running on coal.


Considering the complexities of emission sources, should the focus be on improving electric car technology or should we find alternative solutions?


If electric cars could potentially increase particulate emissions due to tire wear and energy production, do you still support the push for their adoption?

 @9KKQSSPIndependent from Texas commented…3mos3MO

Electric cars are certainly not the solution to the problem, but that doesn't mean we should throw in the towel in searching for alternatives to gas and oil.


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