Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @B1cameralJakeMountain from Maryland agreed…3mos3MO

It’s amusing that in every society and every species of mammal females usually outnumber males. Why are they treated as a minority in today’s America with all the law protecting them against discrimination?

 @CynicalRedWhiteBlueForward from Indiana commented…3mos3MO

So, what you’re saying is that because of gov’t, company and general societal pressure, programs such as affirmative action, DEI and the like, society has become suspicious of those that may or may not have been promoted through these programs.

What we both described is a prejudice in the purest sense….and because we are human. This human condition is further evidenced by, as you say, not wanting to call out these people for fear of being branded some “-ist” or “denier”.

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