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48 Replies

 @CuriousRightDemocrat from Illinois commented…3mos3MO

I think what we have here is a disingenuous broad use of the word censorship. They don't show kids getting butt **** ed by a horse on Cartoom network...which is censorship I think everyone is fine with.

 @Mellow1976Libertarianfrom New Jersey disagreed…3mos3MO

There are forms of censorship society has generally agreed are legitimate, like censorship of child pornography. People just don't like admitting they're in favor of censorship, even when censorship is what they're clearly supporting: it's just censorship they think is justified

 @BoastfulBassLibertarian from Minnesota disagreed…3mos3MO

These "liberal" authoritarians deliberately conflate censorship of political speech with restrictions on pornographic content.

 @BureaucratWeaselLibertarianfrom Maine asked…3mos3MO

Do people really think that if the US Federal Government acquires the power to unilaterally censor TikTok, this will have no effect on the Government's power to censor other online platforms?

 @V0t1ngMiaLibertarianfrom Maine answered…3mos3MO

Why do you think Biden wants to sign the bill so bad? Are people really that stupid?

 @BureaucratWeaselLibertarianfrom Maine agreed…3mos3MO

Has any evidence even been presented to the public to prove the allegations besides hyperbolic claims made by congresspeople, many of whom are recipients of American tech money

 @V0t1ngMiaLibertarianfrom Maine agreed…3mos3MO

It's an interference with commerce, as millions of businesses are run on Tik Tok, violation of the first amendment, and a whole lot more. They're now competing with Mao.

 @RadiantL1ber4lDemocratfrom Kansas disagreed…3mos3MO

A straight ban of TikTok is good. Expanding authority over other forms of social media is not. TikTok is uniquely bad.

 @HeronDeanGreen from Idaho answered…3mos3MO

Yes they are. We have zero data protection laws anyways. So the CCP can just buy whatever data they want regardless. Anybody can & thats why this entire thing is such a joke!

 @GutturalSheepDemocrat from New Jersey commented…3mos3MO

Banning a foreign commercial entity from operating in the US is not censorship even if that entity is a social media platform.

 @V0t1ngMiaLibertarianfrom Maine disagreed…3mos3MO

Not even close. The dictionary doesn't care about your opinions. This is censorship just as it is when Iran blocks the BBC or Facebook.

 @GutturalSheepDemocrat from New Jersey disagreed…3mos3MO

Is the US government banning tobacco advertisements censorship, Mr. Dictionary?

There has long been a distinction between regulating commercial speech and foreign actors and genuine censorship. Your definition of censorship is overbroad.

 @GenerousPorpoiseSocialistfrom Pennsylvania disagreed…3mos3MO

Of course it is. It's just censorship you think is justified. Similar to how the EU censored RT and other Russian-backed outlets after the invasion of Ukraine. The fact that the outlets were "foreign" didn't change that the EU was engaged in brute-force censorship

 @LeftLaneWildfowlConstitution from California commented…3mos3MO

Our AIPAC controlled US Congress wants Israel to steal TikTok steal from ByteDance and hand it to a Western company they can control, at fire sale prices, of course.

 @V0t1ngMiaLibertarianfrom Maine agreed…3mos3MO

The ADL sounded the alarm after 10/7 that there was a problem. Too many young ppl were getting news from alt sources (that Israel network didn’t control) & 70% were winding up pro-Palestinian. No such concerns were expressed about MSM.

 @LeftLaneWildfowlConstitution from California agreed…3mos3MO

They’re banning the selling of customer data to “foreign adversaries” but not “foreign allies”. So Israel can still take personal data off Americans. Especially via spyware like NSO Group’s Pegasus


Do you believe the government should have the power to decide what apps you can use?

 @8QYX46MRepublican  from Nevada commented…3mos3MO

it allows for free speech to be restricted, Tik Tok is a social media platform primarily used by the younger generations and is a major source of discourse among the demographic. by banning tik tok it censors and restricts the ability for the youth to communicate

 @PolicyHedgehogRepublicanfrom Missouri agreed…3mos3MO

If Biden supports the ban it is a slam dunk for Trump.

 @EffervescentMeerkatDemocrat from Ohio disagreed…3mos3MO

Trump coming out against banning TikTok is a real quandary for many Trump supporters. Two days ago, they were clamoring for extreme government censorship to fight the evil Chinese Communists and save America's vulnerable youth from propagandistic foreign manipulation. Now: ??????

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington disagreed…3mos3MO

No, Trump called for not wasting stolen taxpayer dollars on universities that are pushing an evil ideological agenda on its students. Conservatives, libertarians, moderates, and Christians should not be forced to fund the indoctrination of students into these extreme and perverse ideologies hell-bent on destroying their liberty.

 @TaxationCodDemocrat from Wisconsin disagreed…3mos3MO

Banning a foreign commercial entity from operating in the US is not censorship even if that entity is a social media platform.


What's more important to you: national security concerns or uninterrupted access to social media platforms like TikTok?


Can banning one popular app lead to a slippery slope of increased internet censorship?


If TikTok is banned for security reasons, where should the government draw the line for other platforms?


How would you feel if your favorite online platform was suddenly banned by the government?

 @9KQLC4X from South Carolina commented…3mos3MO

Government shouldn’t be allowed to ban online platforms

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington agreed…3mos3MO

Government shouldn't be allowed to do anything but protect life, liberty, and property

 @9KT3G62 from Georgia commented…3mos3MO

 @9KSYPHN from New York commented…3mos3MO

Our representives do not have enough knowledge and understanding of the topic in order to make accurate legislative actions

 @9KR9CRT from New York commented…3mos3MO

I think it is different with instagram or twitter and stuff and maybe there will be investigations into others however seeing the fate of tik tok they will probably stop bad practices if there were any so no ban

 @9KQX572 from California commented…3mos3MO

 @9KQTSPBIndependent from Missouri commented…3mos3MO

 @9KQR89X from Indiana commented…3mos3MO

The government will never stop gaining power to take away all human rights.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…3mos3MO

Government can already do anything it wants, because it no longer follows the Constitution. There's 19 things listed in that document that the federal government can do – and banning social media apps is not one of them. Every American needs to read the Enumerated Powers & discover for himself the original intent.

 @9KT5DFXIndependent from North Carolina commented…3mos3MO

I think the government is banning TikTok because they do not have control over it and they want to control everything and it is not fair because we should be able to use whatever we want and not have the government tell us what we can and cannot use.

 @9KT4T8Q from South Carolina commented…3mos3MO

 @9KQNNL7 from Virginia commented…3mos3MO

Platforms like Zoom and Tik Tok have clear security concerns that compromise the average citizen's identity and safety.

 @9KQLRQVIndependentfrom Maine commented…3mos3MO

 @9KQJNCSLibertarian from Florida commented…3mos3MO

I think banning an online social media platform should only be done in the context of preventing foreign influence, and not be applied on American or allied-country platforms.

 @9KQHWG6 from Florida commented…3mos3MO

The government should not have so much control over citizen's private activities, only over their access to basic necessities.

 @C1vilRightsParrotNo Labels from Texas commented…3mos3MO

Talk to the average 18 year old, and they probably both 1) use TikTok and 2) are essentially normal. The political hysteria over the supposedly unique corrupting influence of this one particular social media platform is factually meritless and ridiculously overwrought

 @SquirrelHalPeace and Freedom from Maryland commented…3mos3MO

This latest push to ban TikTok is fueled largely by paranoia over youths consuming news and information through a medium that is not algorithmically controlled by the US and its adjunct corporations. Recall the hysteria over teens supposedly becoming anti-Israel because of TikTok


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