Try the political quiz

12 Replies

 @NurturingC0ngressRepublicanfrom Virginia commented…2mos2MO

None of the comments below want to address the elephant in the room. What do Hamas and ISIS have in common? Islam. Let’s be honest - you’ve got a problem in your religion that you need to address.

 @N0minati0nRodPatriot from Iowa agreed…2mos2MO

People are terrified of speaking the truth if it sounds like it is "politically incorrect" or "insensitive" against a particular culture or religion. This fails to recognize that some cultures and religions (not people, mind you) are inherently flawed ideologically.

 @Sw1ngStateRayRepublican from New Jersey commented…2mos2MO

Putin hoped to restore a Russian Federation on same mighty scale as Soviet Union 1970 by invading Ukraine.

What he accomplished is more like the Soviet Union 1991: military defeat, economic shock, internal strife and violence, and total collapse.

I advise all Russians (middle class, rich, poor alike) to leave Russia ASAP. From now on there will be more violent attacks, bombs exploded, random deaths, super inflation than ever. Like a repeat of the Soviet Union 80s and Russia early 90s on steroid.


 @CabinetPaellaConstitution from Georgia agreed…2mos2MO

The Russians won't be defeated if America doesn't get its act together & restore its military support for Ukraine. They'll win.

 @LobbyChileLibertarianfrom Maine commented…2mos2MO

I don't see it. How is Putin "threatened" by a terrorist attack? The anti-Russian propagandists are getting so desperate they don't know which way to turn. On one hand, they claim that Putin did this himself to strengthen his hand. On the other hand, he is weakened and "threatened" by not being able to prevent it. Which one is it? Reality is it's neither. It's just terrorism perpetrated by crazy homicidal fanatics. It can and does happen everywhere - in democracies, autocracies and dictatorships - and it does not really "threaten" authorities anywhere. People are not stupid - they understand that it is difficult to prevent few crazed lunatics from arming themselves and going on a murdering spree. If anything, people tend to unite in their revulsion and disgust at the perpetrators.

 @Partis4nCardinalVeteran from Michigan agreed…2mos2MO

The Russians clearly see it.

Putin directed FSB to focus NOT on its key remit to prevent terrorist attacks but on massive disinformation campaign in US and western nations to divide western society and undermine democracy as it successfully achieved with pro-Kremlin Fico re-election in Slovakia.

Similarly, Putin sent MASSIVE 35,000 national guardsmen to curb Ukrainian resistance in occupied Donbas (Newsweek 9 January 2024). Both actions led to NO ONE PROTECTING concert venue for Russian citizens that Putin has VOWED to safeguard leading to ISIS tragic attack. Russians know the deaths were AVOIDABLE.

Expect Russian citizens by the 1000s to protest and DEMAND Putin’s resignation for his DERELICTION OF DUTY and DEMAND to “Bring them home” ( Russian forces in Ukraine and national guard) to protect Russians.

 @TaxationPeacockDemocratfrom Florida commented…2mos2MO

Russia's best years are well behind it. The demographic collapse is coming around the corner. And then Tsar Putin does his part to accelerate the demise of the Slavic race. I suspect we have not yet seen peak Russian paranoia. The world is becoming more unstable by the day.


If it was proven that your country's officials were involved in foreign terrorist activities, how would that affect your trust in your government?


What are your thoughts on the ethics of intelligence agencies using accusations of terrorism as a tool in geopolitical conflicts?


How does the idea of one country investigating officials from another for terrorism change your perspective on international law and sovereignty?


Do you believe governments should be held accountable for covert operations in other countries, and why?


How would you feel if another country accused your country's officials of being involved in terrorist acts without public evidence?


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