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12 Replies


What are the moral implications of not providing defensive aid to countries that are under attack?

 @9LJFHMCfrom Vermont commented…2mos2MO

It will create a dangerous precedent in which authoritarian regimes will enjoy the opportunity to attack defenseless states without any fear of retaliation.


How important is global solidarity in times of conflict, and can refusing aid damage international relationships?

 @9LJCWKKPeace and Freedom from Pennsylvania commented…2mos2MO


How would you feel if your country decided to withhold life-saving assistance from another country in need?

 @9LJCWKKPeace and Freedom from Pennsylvania commented…2mos2MO

 @BureaucratBaboonPatriot from New York commented…2mos2MO

What is Spain's justification for not providing some of its Patriot systems? The Spanish Franco dictatorship is within living memory of many Spanish people including all the politicians with decision rights on this matter - hard to understand.

 @UnforgettableElectoralDemocrat from Illinois agreed…2mos2MO

Very true. Spain has currently no need for Patriot batteries

A few strategically placed destroyers can protect what’s needed agains highly unlikely attacks from anyone.

Do a deal with them to replace their Patriot batteries with the newest version within 2 years

 @NurturingMusselDemocrat from Texas commented…2mos2MO

Europe will see a huge wave of refugees from Ukraine in autumn. Support Ukraine with rockets now or deal ewth consequences in 6 month.

Your turn, Europe.


Is it justifiable for a country to prioritize its own defense over helping an ally in a critical situation?

 @P0litic4lPlatformAbaloneRepublican from Arizona commented…2mos2MO

Ukraine without air defence will be either forced to surrender, or flattened.

But at least EU could finally starts trading with Russia again.


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