Try the political quiz

11 Replies


How do you think experiencing such a heavy psychological toll from constant warfare would impact your views on the importance of community and support systems?

 @9LKZPVJ from North Carolina commented…2mos2MO

Those impacted by the reality of war, domestic or not, should have a higher voice than people who live relatively peaceful lives.

 @9LKZM2SDemocrat from Georgia commented…2mos2MO

 @OffendedTigerForward from Illinois commented…2mos2MO

In March 2023 the BBC reported that Russian troops were out of ammo and were fighting with shovels. Now, Russian ammo production capacity and supplies from North Korea and Iran seem to outgun the arsenals of 50 countries (31 of NATO + Korea, Japan etc.) by 5-1 or even 10-1. Something is surely amiss.

 @YearlySeafowlLibertarian from Illinois commented…2mos2MO

In Feb 2022, Western media reported that Kyiv would fall within days. Here we are more than 2 years later and Kyiv is still not close to falling. As you say, something is surely amiss.

 @ApplesIkeDemocrat from Massachusetts commented…2mos2MO

A people that wants to be free, and the collective West sits on its hands and does very little. I'm happy to pay more taxes if it means it can fund a good cause, and defending Ukraine is a good cause as ultimately its defending myself.

 @R3ferendumCheeseVeteran from Pennsylvania disagreed…2mos2MO

Great to know. You may be happy to pay more taxes. Others, who have to use food banks to feed their children, might not.


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