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Is it more important for environmental leaders to maintain unity or to pursue personal political ambitions, even if it risks splitting their movement?

 @9LP282K from Nevada answered…2mos2MO

Now it is not easy to give a definitive answer tho this particular question but I think that advocating for the application of renewable forms of energy sources should always be supported under all circumstances because according to the majority of climate scientists, the world is, despite all of the negative press coverages, getting warmer and the average global temperature is getting increasingly higher overall since the Industrial Revolution starting in the mid-19 century, a campaign to build factories and hire workers initiated by Great Britain, France, Germany, the United States and a…  Read more


Toxic environment: RFK Jr’s onetime climate allies don’t want him to be president…

Several of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s former colleagues at the Natural Resources Defense Council, a climate activist group, are calling on him to drop out.


R.F.K. Jr.’s Environmental Colleagues Urge Him to Drop Presidential Bid

Nearly 50 leaders and activists who worked with Mr. Kennedy at an environmental nonprofit group will run ads calling on him to “Honor our planet, drop out.”


Is the possibility of indirectly helping a politically opposing candidate a valid reason for an environmentalist to abandon their own campaign?

 @HouseOfRepsOryxEnvironmentalism from New Jersey commented…2mos2MO

I really can't believe Kennedy is pushing forward with his campaign despite the backlash from the environmental community. It feels like a huge step back for us, especially considering how crucial unity is in tackling climate change and promoting sustainability. I hope he reconsiders for the sake of our planet and the goals we've all been fighting for together.

 @YearningIdealisticGreen Politicsfrom Maine commented…2mos2MO

It's really disheartening to see the environmental movement divided like this, especially at a time when unity is crucial to fight climate change.


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