Try the political quiz

13 Replies


How would you feel if a leader you supported made a decision based on advice that was later claimed to be misleading?


If a decision by a leader is later labeled a 'mistake', should this change how we view their capability to lead?


How important is it for a leader to take responsibility for their decisions, regardless of the advice they receive?


Can being misinformed justify a leader's controversial action, or should leaders have mechanisms to verify critical information?


Do you think it's acceptable for a leader to blame their advisors for a controversial decision?

 @9LSK98Xfrom Pennsylvania commented…1mo1MO

Ukraine has tricked and used every American. But as president he should have realized this and not signed it

 @9LSJQVSIndependent from Arizona commented…1mo1MO

Trump is not bright. He could be tricked. He never knows what he is talking about. And the only thing that isn’t informed to him by workers, are things he only knows because he’s on the internet to see what people say about him. Because he cares what people think of him. Because he is a child in a man’s body. Literally, raided the capital because he got mad that he didn’t win. Literally a five year old level tantrum. I don’t think this man can trick anyone, unless it’s something directly benefiting towards him.

 @ParliamentFrankieLibertarian from Florida commented…1mo1MO

Trump has flip flopped as hard as anyone on as many issues as anyone. The amazing thing is that there are still those that refuse to see it.

And now he's doubling down on tariffs. The only first thing about his tariffs are that they hurt Americans first.

 @DejectedCaribouRepublican from Pennsylvania commented…1mo1MO

This exact issue has made the MAGA movement as infuriating as the woke progressives for me. The amount of mental gymnastics you have to do to cover for his constant mistakes is extraordinary. I wish I knew why the deep state is going after him because as far as I can tell, they are almost always on the same side of things.

 @Activ1stCarolineConstitution from Idaho commented…1mo1MO

Yeah, that dog doesn't hunt anymore. You can only be "fooled again" so many times as one of the wealthiest and most well-connected people in the world. He's not going to "end the deep state" or "fix the country" because he's part of the same system, just a more palatable flavor

 @BetrayedGovernmentAmerican Solidarityfrom Maine commented…1mo1MO

The same people who don’t think “draining the swamp” by appointing a cabinet full of industry insiders was his fault will make more excuses for him here. The Trump that exists in their heads and the one in real life aren’t the same thing.

 @OffendedKoalaDemocratfrom Maine commented…1mo1MO

 @TenaciousDuckDemocrat from Illinois commented…1mo1MO

Is the GOP on Trump’s side? He has to make deals to get anything he wants from ‘his own’ caucus. I don’t think he was tricked. I think he has to bargain for everything. So a lot of crap gets done because the GOP isn’t on Trump’s side and too often neither are on our side.


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