Try the political quiz

8 Replies


How do you think a country can maintain the hope and enthusiasm of its early democratic days amidst ongoing social and economic challenges?

 @9LWMZNF from Oklahoma answered…1mo1MO

Simply remind the people of how much worse things used to be, and the rights they enjoy now that they would not be able to under the previous system.


South Africa Celebrates 30th Freedom Day Anniversary…

Freedom Day celebrations will be led by South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, who was a protege of Nelson Mandela.


Watch live: South Africa celebrates 30th anniversary of Freedom Day

South Africa is today celebrating 30 years of Freedom Day (27 April), marking the country’s first democratic election in 1994 that announced the official end of racial segregation. At the time, Nelson Mandela became the country’s first Black president ...


South Africa will mark 30 years of freedom amid inequality, poverty and a tense election ahead

As South Africa celebrates 30 years of democracy, the enthusiasm and optimism of that period has subsided as the country faces challenges.


Considering the importance of children's well-being in a nation's future, what steps do you believe should be taken to ensure they are the central focus of development policies?


If you had the power, what one change would you prioritize to address a deep-rooted issue like inequality or poverty in a young democracy?

 @Hare1989Progressive from Pennsylvania commented…1mo1MO

It's inspiring to see South Africa celebrate 30 years of democracy, but it's crucial we don't lose momentum in addressing the ongoing issues of inequality and poverty that still challenge the nation's progress.