Try the political quiz

6 Replies


Can a reconciliation between two high-profile political figures influence your vote or political beliefs, and why?

 @9LX825QRepublican from Nevada answered…1mo1MO


How do you feel about political rivals coming together for party unity, and does it change your perception of their sincerity or principles?

 @9LX825QRepublican from Nevada answered…1mo1MO

It does not change my opinion of their sincerity. These actions take place every election cycle. The differences the candidates hold are put to the side for the overall party health.


In your opinion, does the act of burying the hatchet between Trump and DeSantis demonstrate strength or compromise of individual values?

 @C0nstituti0nalNarwhalLibertarian from Michigan commented…1mo1MO

It's refreshing to see Trump and DeSantis setting aside their differences for the broader goal of party unity. This move signals a strategic pivot for the GOP, emphasizing the importance of focusing on the bigger picture rather than getting bogged down in personal rivalries. If they can truly collaborate, this could amplify the Republican message, making it more cohesive and appealing to voters who value individual freedom and limited government intervention. It's a smart play, demonstrating that even in politics, sometimes the end goal has to supersede personal agendas.