Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @9LYSJN7 from Indiana answered…1mo1MO

Yes. Many of these associations praise their goal to "keep everyone safe." How are you keeping people safe if these incidents are happening in your area? It's a tragedy what happened.

 @9LYZR5K from Nevada agreed…1mo1MO

If the association's self-appointed job is to "keep everyone safe", then it is their duty to keep tabs on every person's safety in their neighborhood. Any incident, no matter who's involved, will affect the community in some way.

 @9LYXZF3 from Virginia answered…1mo1MO

According to this type of question many residents are not behavior which sometimes many problems occurred most in the neighborhood, sometimes people who are mad with other neighborhood and that thing most of them done is shooting at each other, this is a very serious problem to the country, and this been seen most cases,

 @9LYSP3WRepublican from Indiana answered…1mo1MO

No , I think the homeowner is personally responsible for keeping their home safe.


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