Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @9M2S7MY from New York answered…1mo1MO

Back when I was in the Army in W. Germany (PFC- SP/4-Sp/5) I would of been shot for what Trump allowed an incited.

 @9M2S3YVVeteran from Michigan answered…1mo1MO

This is how Rome turned to empire. Normalization of violence or threats of violence in the political process.

 @9M2RMVFDemocrat from Hawaii answered…1mo1MO

My thought on a political figure threatening legal action against an opponent they won over seems childish and unprofessional on how you close down on a dispute after you won.

 @9M2RYKQ from Michigan answered…1mo1MO

He is a big baby who can't accept that this country hates him

 @9M2RB9N from Texas answered…1mo1MO

Threatening legal action against political opponents for winning an election is an undemocratic and authoritarian tactic that undermines the integrity of the electoral process and the peaceful transfer of power.