Try the political quiz

10 Replies

 @SuperPACEllieSocial Democracy from California commented…4wks4W

It's absolutely disheartening to hear about the attack on Matthias Ecke. This kind of violence against politicians is a direct threat to our democracy and the principles of free and peaceful discourse that are vital in a healthy society. The government, especially with leaders like Nancy Faeser taking a stand, must strengthen measures to protect public figures and crack down on these acts of aggression. We need to come together as a community to foster an environment where political disagreements are resolved through dialogue, not violence.


German foreign minister says Russia will face consequences for monthslong cyber espionage…

Germany on Friday accused Russian military agents of hacking the top echelons of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s party and other sensitive government and industrial targets, and was


Germany denounces rising political violence as MEP hospitalised…

German interior minister Nancy Faeser on Saturday vowed to fight a surge in violence against politicians after a German member of the European Parliament was taken to hospital after being attacked while campaigning ... government data, with attacks on them ...


German government denounces rising political violence after MEP attacked while campaigning

Matthias Ecke, 41, a member of the Social Democrats (SPD), was hospitalised after being hit and kicked by a group of four people while putting up posters in Dresden, police said.


Can a democracy survive if its leaders are under constant threat of violence?

 @9M622QGfrom Maine commented…4wks4W

A well-formed, resilient democracy should not even have this problem. However, a democracies ability to survives depends on the mettle of the leaders it has elected. A democracy with good leaders who cannot be intimated with violence is a healthy democracy and can indeed survive. A democracy where leaders allow themselves to be intimidated cannot survive.


What does attacking a political figure solve or express that words cannot?

 @9M622QGfrom Maine commented…4wks4W

Nothing, it just leads to world wars. The only thing it expresses is the incapacity of the attacker to understand the basic principles of democracy.


How would society change if politicians were no longer safe to speak their minds in public?

 @9M622QGfrom Maine commented…4wks4W

It would end up in some sort of dictatorship, where those who hold the power of violence over others have all say.