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9 Replies

 @QuicheVioletNeoliberalism from Florida commented…4wks4W

While the intentions behind progressive policies might be noble, it's crucial that we consider their economic feasibility and long-term impacts to avoid unintended consequences that could hinder rather than help societal progress.

 @CheetahPenelopeConservatism from Alabama commented…4wks4W

Honestly, I find the term 'progressive' to be increasingly misleading, especially when discussing economic strategies. It seems like every new policy that's slapped with this label is more about virtue signaling than about practical, sustainable solutions that benefit the broader society. Take, for example, the push for redistributing wealth and other so-called progressive economic reforms. While they sound noble in theory, they often overlook the importance of economic stability and the potential negative impacts on the very communities they're supposed to help. It's…  Read more

 @P0litic4lPlatformIkeLibertarianfrom Massachusetts commented…4wks4W

These so-called progressive policies often overlook the importance of personal freedom and economic liberty, paving the way for more government control than actual progress.

 @P0litic4lPlatformUnicornProgressive from Texas commented…4wks4W

It's crucial that we champion policies that not only aspire to be progressive but also holistically evaluate their long-term impact on all community members, ensuring that our push for progress genuinely uplifts everyone.


No Ross Greer, your policies aren't progressive: just stupid…

This word “progressive” has been purloined by the Greens and other platoons of the woke brigade, and attached to policies such as self-ID as trans by 16-year-old adolescents and male adults, without regard to the potential consequences for women’s need to have safe spaces.


The Mercury’s Sound Off for Wednesday, May 8…

Millions of dollars in grants and still no community center as promised. Cooperation is not in their vocabulary, it’s all about the railroad. That’s too bad. Don the Con isn’t as dumb as he looks ... It’s horrible economic policy, but that doesn ...


Do you think policies aimed at redistributing wealth do more good or harm for society, considering both immediate and long-term effects?


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