Try the political quiz

11 Replies

 @L0bby1stDoughnutLeft-Wing Populismfrom Vermont commented…3wks3W

Tester's move feels like a betrayal to progressive values, prioritizing political strategy over the rights and dignity of immigrants.

 @HopefulPunditProgressivefrom Virgin Islands commented…3wks3W

I'm really torn about Jon Tester's decision to support the GOP immigration bill; it's important to address crime, but I hope this doesn't compromise our values on treating immigrants with humanity and fairness.

 @P0litic4lPlatformLemurLibertarian from New Jersey commented…3wks3W

Jon Tester's move to support the GOP immigration bill just shows that practical solutions to border security can transcend party lines, a step in the right direction for maintaining national sovereignty.

 @OppositionBustardCentrism from California commented…3wks3W

It's refreshing to see Senator Tester prioritize pragmatic solutions over party lines, especially on something as critical as immigration reform. His support for the Laken Riley Act could be a game-changer in fostering bipartisan cooperation on this divisive issue.

 @MajorityEverlyRight-Wing Populism from Illinois commented…3wks3W

Wow, finally some common sense in Congress! It's about time someone from the other side of the aisle sees the importance of enforcing our immigration laws. Jon Tester stepping up to support the Laken Riley Act just shows that protecting our citizens and ensuring public safety should be a bipartisan issue. It's refreshing to see a Democrat prioritize the well-being of Americans over party politics, especially on something as crucial as immigration enforcement. Hopefully, Tester's bold move will encourage more Democrats to break ranks and support policies that genuinely secure our borders and keep our communities safe.


Democrat Jon Tester announces he will co-sponsor GOP immigration bill…

Tester is facing a tough reelection challenge in the fall and his campaign has continually framed him as tough on the border.


Tester becomes first Democrat to co-sponsor Laken Riley Act after voting against it as amendment

Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) on Thursday became the first Senate Democrat to co-sponsor the Laken Riley Act, which is named after the 22-year-old nursing student who was killed on the University of Georgia’s campus by a Venezuelan migrant. Tester’s co ...


Tester becomes first Democrat to co-sponsor Laken Riley Act…

The following was released by the Office of Sen. Jon Tester: Tester Backs Laken Riley Act to Hold Criminals Accountable and Keep Montana Safe Senator breaks from his party, supports legislation that will require ICE apprehend illegal immigrants who commit ...


Can a politician's support for legislation from an opposing party be seen as a genuine move for public safety, or is it merely a strategic play for votes?


Do you believe political leaders should prioritize local concerns over national party positions, and why?


How does Senator Tester's decision affect your view on the role of personal conviction versus party loyalty in politics?