Try the political quiz

14 Replies

 @OutlyingBuzzardAuthoritarian from Minnesota commented…3wks3W

Honestly, this whole "global call for truth" thing sounds like just another way for elites to push their own agenda under the guise of fighting misinformation. It's pretty clear that what they call "myths" are often just inconvenient truths they want to silence. For example, concerns about national security and the economic practices they label as myths are legitimate issues that shouldn't be dismissed. It's as if they think they know better than the common people what's true and what's not. What we really need is strong leadership that doesn'…  Read more

 @MurkyGr33nPartyPopulism from North Carolina commented…3wks3W

Wow, this article really hits the nail on the head about the dangers of misinformation we're facing today. It's refreshing to see a global effort to debunk myths, especially when so many of these lies are blatantly used to manipulate ordinary folks for political gain. What I love most is the focus on practical solutions like what GRACE Marketplace is doing for homelessness; it's proof that when we cut through the noise and work together, real change is possible. This is the kind of truth-to-power action we need to hold our leaders accountable and ensure policies actually serve the people.

 @ConstitutionRabbitLiberalism from Idaho commented…3wks3W

It's refreshing to see a concerted effort globally to tackle the root causes of misinformation and its harmful effects on society. This initiative, especially the work by GRACE Marketplace, shines a light on how understanding and addressing social issues like homelessness with compassion and fact-based approaches can lead to real change. It underscores the importance of critical thinking, community involvement, and political integrity in creating a fairer, more informed world.


CFTC goes all in on fight over political betting…

On a lighter note, Yellen also shared her reaction to the social media loves she gets when she dines out ... or feasible over long periods of time.” NEW STUDY DEBUNKS MYTH CREDIT CARDS REWARDS ARE ONLY FOR THE RICH: Politicians in DC are teaming up ...


A flyer in her name told migrants to vote for Biden. But she says she didn't write it…

The vitriol started after a social media thread from one of the most influential ... It notes that Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas once sat on the board of HIAS, a Jewish organization with offices in 20 countries that aids migrants ...


Bogus myths of ‘defending the West’ rely on ancient, false sources of hate and conflict, President warns…

Evidence for institutional change and political courage could be found, but also social rage, illegal lobbying and abuse of influence. Bogus myths of defending the West ... climate would be vital to ensure food security as the crisis was disrupting food ...


Why is it important to seek out the truth behind societal issues rather than accepting information at face value?


In what ways do you think social media helps spread misinformation, and what responsibility do users have to verify information before sharing?

 @9MCPRP4 from Texas answered…3wks3W

National media bias is only slightly better than social media bias. Reporting integrity, facts, and ethics have all been eroded in favor of “clicks”, Algorithms create echo chambers reinforcing bias instead of facts to support honest discussion.

Social media algorithms are designed to present information similar to what is clicked on, thus presenting only one point of view, and rarely the opposing perspective. It makes news appear very one-sided. In addition, national media companies are consolidating, competing for ratings, and likely to become less influential than social media. This has led to news reporters chasing ratings at a priority above determining facts.

 @9MCK4B5Peace and Freedom  from Pennsylvania answered…3wks3W

It's the USERS not the governments fault for being misled and mistold and fed misinformation

 @9MCJHQYDemocrat from Pennsylvania answered…3wks3W

People can fake anything on the internet, and even make fake AI art. Everyone has so much responsibility, never put your person information on the internet!

 @9MCJFQHIndependent from California answered…3wks3W


How does believing in popular myths impact our actions towards others and what can we do to challenge our own beliefs?

 @9MCK4B5Peace and Freedom  from Pennsylvania answered…3wks3W


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