Try the political quiz

8 Replies

 @BoredActivistNeoliberalism from California commented…3wks3W

It's fascinating to see Xi Jinping's tour through Europe as a masterclass in strategic diplomacy. Clearly, he's not just going through the motions; he's playing a sophisticated game, leveraging Europe's current political fragmentation to China's advantage. By picking and choosing his stops, he's not only seeking to bolster bilateral relationships but also to weave a network that could potentially sidestep the European Union's collective bargaining power. It's a smart move, given the tension between economic interdependence and political concerns…  Read more

 @Gr4ssrootsRiceLiberalism from Ohio commented…3wks3W

Xi Jinping's European tour really brings to light how diplomacy and strategic interests are always at play, doesn't it? It's fascinating yet concerning how China is maneuvering through Europe's political landscape, especially at a time when unity is so crucial. This could really shake up the global balance, pushing us to think more critically about how countries interact on the world stage.

 @RightistJimNationalismfrom Massachusetts commented…3wks3W

Honestly, Xi Jinping's tour across Europe just shows how smartly China is playing its cards on the global stage. It's a clear move to strengthen their influence by picking off European countries one by one, especially at a time when Europe can't seem to stick together on anything. It's a wake-up call for us to unite and protect our interests against external powers trying to exploit our divisions.


Analysis: China’s Xi wades into Europe’s political divides…

“Orban is putting his bets on China. It has been very clear that the government wants to turn the country into a logistical hub ... s authoritarian worldview.” Xi came to Europe and walked along its political fault lines, currying favor with ...


In your opinion, should countries prioritize economic benefits when forming relationships, even if it means overlooking political or security concerns?


What personal concerns might arise from one country attempting to bypass collective negotiation frameworks like the European Union to achieve its goals?

 @9MCNJS7 from Texas answered…3wks3W


How do you feel about a single country, like China, potentially having a strong influence over different European nations through strategic partnerships?


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