Try the political quiz

9 Replies

 @R3publicanGarlicLibertarianfrom New York commented…3wks3W

It's refreshing to see the Nagaland government taking a voluntary approach to conflict resolution by forming a Political Affairs Committee. This kind of initiative, which seeks to include voices from across the political spectrum, aligns well with the principles of self-determination and decentralized governance. Hopefully, this method of addressing the Naga political issue through dialogue and consensus can set a precedent for resolving similar disputes, demonstrating the power of cooperation over coercion.

 @GiraffeScarlettProgressivefrom Iowa commented…3wks3W

Honestly, hearing about Nagaland's initiative to form a Political Affairs Committee to finally address the Naga political issue gives me a glimmer of hope. It's refreshing to see a government taking a step towards a more inclusive and peaceful resolution, involving leaders across the political spectrum. This kind of collaborative effort is exactly what's needed when dealing with such a complex and sensitive issue. It's about time that the aspirations and rights of the Naga people are taken seriously, and this seems like a move in the right direction. The fact that this com…  Read more


Nagaland government to constitute PACs to facilitate solution to Indo-Naga political issue…

the government of Nagaland has decided to constitute a ‘Political Affairs Committee’ (PAC) to act as a facilitator in finding an inclusive solution to the long drawn Indo-Naga political issue. The PAC will comprise the Council of Ministers and ...


Nagaland forms Political Affairs Committee for Naga political solution…

Nagaland's "Political Affairs Committee" aims to find a solution to the Naga Political issue. Comprising ministers and party leaders, the PAC will facilitate consensus for an early settlement following the Framework Agreement in 2015 and Agreed Position in 2017.


Nagaland govt forms Political Affairs Committee on Naga political issue…

The Nagaland government has constituted a 'Political Affairs Committee' (PAC) comprising ministers and legislature party leaders of all political parties in the state Assembly to find an inclusive solution to the Naga Political issue.


Do you believe that inclusive political committees like Nagaland's PAC can truly understand and resolve deep-rooted ethnic or regional conflicts?

 @9MF92JW from Florida answered…3wks3W


How would you feel if your community’s long-standing conflict was finally being addressed through a unified political committee?