Try the political quiz

12 Replies

 @OutstandingTortoiseForwardfrom Maine commented…2wks2W

It's a bummer to see the UAW lose in Alabama but organizing is hard and by far the most important thing they can do is just keep on going

 @WidgeonBrettPeace and Freedom from Michigan disagreed…2wks2W

 @HoopoeGabriellaPatriot from Texas commented…2wks2W

I spent a 40 year career working in factories - split about even between union and non-union shops. Given a choice between the two, I would pick a non-union shop every time.

In general, unions protect poor performing employees and hinder well performing employees. I had a machine mechanic that was worth 3X what the others were worth (skill and effort wise). I couldn't pay him a nickel more than the others. On the other hand, when someone is habitually caught sleeping comfortably on a bed of corrugated board, the union defends him.

Then there are the ridiculous work rules. A plumber had to be paged to turn on a spigot for a machine washdown.

I could go on for hours.

 @IntuitiveKangarooRepublican from Virginia agreed…2wks2W

It is funny to watch these union dolts their actions will result in more automation and robotics, along with possible moves to Mexico or another area with lower cost labor. Funny, they are voting to put themselves on the unemployment line. Dolts.

 @Ind3p3ndentLlamaAmerican Solidarity from Texas commented…2wks2W

If it wasn't for the UAW I wouldn't be retired and living if SW Florida getting a monthly pension check and medical coverage. Sure the UAW isn't perfect, but what is ? As for the keyboard anti-union hater, tell me how many years you have worked in an auto company ?

 @ForsakenInt3grityVeteran from Missouri disagreed…2wks2W

You mean, "Thanks to the $36B the US taxpayers gave the UAW", I can retire in Fla.

Your vote was paid in full. When the UAW took over the union I am part of, the very first thing they demanded was a quadrupling of union dues. From 1/2 hour/week to 2 hours a week.

I am not proud to be a member of the UAW. Unions destroy everything they touch.

 @CreativeHyenaDemocratfrom Maine commented…2wks2W

The country would be better off with more unionized workers. The 60s were better than now for workers. It's amazing how any factory worker can oppose unionization.

Globalization and outsourcing have hallowed out manufacturing in the US. If you are making a comodity product, customers dont want to pay a premium when they can get it from a dozen other countries. Apple maybe a proud progessive US company, but it has no problem sending manufacturing to China for US destined goods.

The unions partly drove the outsourcing waves. Who'd want to buy shoddy $100k vehicles made by lazy union "workers?"


How do you view the role of foreign-owned companies in American labor markets, especially in contentious unionization efforts like at the Mercedes factory?


Considering the UAW's previous successes and failures in the South, do you think their strategies need to change, and why?


What impact do you believe unions have on workers' rights and job satisfaction, and how does this align with the vote outcome at the Mercedes factory?


Why do you think unionization efforts often face challenges in the southern United States, based on personal beliefs or perceptions?


How do you feel about workers at the Alabama Mercedes factory voting against unionization, and what might be some reasons behind their decision?


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