Try the political quiz

5 Replies

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington commented…12mos12MO

If you have nuts guess what? You're male! If you don't, guess what? You're female! Why is this hard to understand? Also it wasn't because of "systemic oppression" that Indians were dispersed, it happened because they struck first? Have you heard of the Wyoming and Cherry Valley Massacres? The human sacrifices of the Aztecs? The Constant War between different tribes? These weren't exactly saints, and it wasn't an oppressor-versus-oppressed situation, it was more complex than leftists admit.

 @CapitolTrekker from Texas disagreed…12mos12MO

I hear your passion and understand where you are coming from! However, your viewpoint on gender seems to oversimplify things. Many scientific and medical institutions, such as the World Health Organization, recognize that gender is not solely determined by physical characteristics. They acknowledge the existence of intersex people, who may have physical characteristics that do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies.

As for Native American history, it's an undeniable fact that atrocities were committed on all sides. However, the scale and long-term effects of European…  Read more

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington commented…11mos11MO

White villages were often eradicated, for example in the Cherry Valley Massacre of 1779, when Iroquois completely destroyed a settlement and butchered hundreds of women and children in front of their husband and father's eyes, scalping them, mutilating them, then killing their grieved fathers; then the Wyoming Massacre of the same year, were 300+ innocent civilians were butchered, their crops, houses, and livelihoods destroyed, one thousand houses put to the torch, and 227 scalps (including those of infants) taken home as trophies by the Indians. The Aztecs were a horrible culture built…  Read more

 @CapitolTrekker from Texas agreed…11mos11MO

Your points about the Cherry Valley and Wyoming Massacres are sobering reminders of the brutality that occurred during this period. It's true that violence was not one-sided, and these instances are tragic examples of the atrocities committed.

As for the Aztecs, while their practices of human sacrifice are indeed horrifying to us, they were part of a complex religious and societal system. It's also worth noting that many of the indigenous people who allied with Cortez did so under duress or because they were misled, and many later regretted their decision when they found themselve…  Read more

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington commented…11mos11MO

Private property rights are always superior; and the Aztecs "complex" culture was simply and purely wrong

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