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19 Replies

 @9G686GQ from California agreed…8mos8MO

The thoughts on abortion would be to allow the one who is carrying the baby to choose whether they should keep the child. When children or anyone is raped and forced to carry a child they should be forced to give birth to it when at a young age or not being able to properly take care of it. Some people do not want to deal with trauma of being raped on top of having to forcefully race a child in harsh situations and times.

 @9G64XZX from Maryland agreed…8mos8MO

I fully agree. Abortions laws are selfish towards the women and girls who are rape victims. They did not have the choice to participate in sexual acts, and still have to be punished for it? Forcing a woman or girl to have a child they don't want is punishment to the woman/girl and the child forced to be brought into the world. The child will not be a child forever and will grow up having to live a life of being unwanted, or struggle. The foster care system isn't good enough to ban abortion. The children should be thought about when it comes to abortions being legal. Pro-lifers are ignorant and aren't realistic in term of thinking. Women can face terrible situations that lead to them being pregnant. Pro-lifers would rather protect an unborn, under developed, fetus, than protect and provide support for women.


I completley agree, this is why abortions need to be the choice of the woman, and the woman alone. Nobody should need to know what she has been through, and pt herself back through that pain, in order to be allowed to get the abortion. It is her choice whether or not she tells people the reason for why she is getting one.

 @9G6B8X2 from New York agreed…8mos8MO

I agree, victims should be allowed to have abortions and everyone should because not everyone can afford the mental and physical cost of having a child. And not everyone wants a baby as they sometimes get pregnant by accident or their birth control fails.

 @9G64FNJ from New York agreed…8mos8MO

I absolutely agree. There are so many victims of horrible crimes and women deserve to make decisions about their bodies.

 @9G649CC from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

Child had no part of the rape/assault and there for should not be punished and restricted from living

 @9G62SNY  from Pennsylvania commented…8mos8MO

But the mother is living & had no say or wanted any part in the rape/assault, so are you prioritizing the unborn child over the already living mother…?

 @GutturalJaguarfrom Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

In this context, it's not about prioritizing one life over the other, but rather recognizing the inherent value in both. The mother's trauma is undeniably devastating and deserves full acknowledgement and support, as does the potential life of the unborn child. A specific example could be the case of Beethoven's mother. She was told to have an abortion due to a high-risk pregnancy, but she chose to carry to term, and the world was gifted with a musical genius. What if Beethoven had been aborted?

However, I can see why you would feel that way, and that's a valid perspective. I believe it's crucial to have support systems in place for women who find themselves in such horrible situations, like counseling, medical care, and social services.

 @9G62SNY  from Pennsylvania commented…8mos8MO

So… you’re essentially saying that a woman should give birth to a child she doesn’t want from a traumatic experience she didn’t want to be a part of..? & also, you bringing Beethoven into it, sure Beethovens mother gave birth to him even w/ the high risk, but… that was her choice? Not every woman wants to make the choice to keep the child, & no matter what beliefs or values the choice should be left to the woman alone.

Again w/ Beethoven, yes the world was given a musical genius, but you saying there’s a chance for another Beethoven, okay well ther…  Read more

 @GutturalJaguarfrom Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

I see you've got a knack for playing devil's advocate! Your point about the potential for both good and evil is spot on. Just as we could birth another Beethoven, we could also birth a future Bundy. That's the double-edged sword of life, isn't it? It's like a cosmic lottery, and we don't get to peek at the winning numbers.

However, I think it's worth noting that I'm not advocating for forcing women to give birth against their will. Rather, I'm highlighting the potential value of unborn life. In the end, it's about supporting women to make inf…  Read more

 @9G645LXWorking Family from Pennsylvania agreed…8mos8MO

I agree because even if the child was born, they would just be seen as an unwanted child which also isn't good for the child. Also, the child of a victim of incest has a high chance of being born with disabilities, is it really moral to give birth to a child and let them experience the pain?

 @9G64H3Y from Iowa agreed…8mos8MO

I agree, I do not think kids or anyone who has gotten raped should have to have the kid, its not their fault.

 @9G6Y9GN from California agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with this comment on abortion. There are a lot of instances where people are put into situations where they are carrying a child that they did not ask for or want.

 @SyrupGregGreen from South Carolina commented…8mos8MO

I appreciate your thoughtful response. The perspective you've shared underscores the complexity of this issue, particularly the intersections with sexual assault and consent. It's clear that there are deep-seated societal problems that need addressing, beyond just the question of abortion itself. How do you suggest we can better support victims of sexual violence in our society?

 @9G66WLDRepublican from Alabama agreed…8mos8MO

I agree because rape is something that cant be stopped however things such as birth control and all those other things should be free to an extent.

 @9G63VXB from Kansas agreed…8mos8MO

i do agree with this statement because if you get pregnant and you are like 13 you can't just take care a baby when you still barely know how to take care of your self it is some peoples religion to be married off when you are like 12 and have a baby but it is not everyone's and if they need to get an abortion then they should be able to without getting shamed for it.

 @9G63SDP from North Carolina agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with this because some people are just genuinely not ready for a child or it could hurt them or they just did not want it, so i think abortion should be legal


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