Try the political quiz

13 Replies

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…4mos4MO

And I think that's a problem – people do this a lot. I think it's even worse when money is involved.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

A problem that should not be criminalized, and can be dealt with through less negative means than using the law as a punishment for something that’s largely on the social side.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…4mos4MO

A crime that should not be punishable with imprisonment – only because I'm not willing to pay for these losers to be in prison, not because I have a sliver of sympathy for them – but a crime that should be punished with HEAVY FINES, because THAT doesn't affect me at all but it still discourages it.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

What exactly about it prompts it being illegal?

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…4mos4MO

Because (1) The Bible is only ultimate standard that can explain the laws of logic and the preconditions of intelligibility, and the Bible shows that it is immoral (2) It spawns children who will grow up in a single-parent household in many instances (3) It erodes the nuclear family, the building block of a free society (4) It creates temptations for otherwise virtuous men (5) If it is fined, then government can discourage it while at the same time not costing innocent taxpayers a penny.

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