Try the political quiz

9 Replies

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…4mos4MO

Because (1) The Bible is only ultimate standard that can explain the laws of logic and the preconditions of intelligibility, and the Bible shows that it is immoral (2) It spawns children who will grow up in a single-parent household in many instances (3) It erodes the nuclear family, the building block of a free society (4) It creates temptations for otherwise virtuous men (5) If it is fined, then government can discourage it while at the same time not costing innocent taxpayers a penny.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

The Bible was explicitly stated to not be the basis of law, nor is it acknowledged as a basis for it in most any society, and when it has, people fail miserably to avoid a warped version of Christianity, so no, it can’t be the basis for this law. It doesn’t necessarily deal with those circumstances, and by that logic, we shouldn’t allow single-parent households at all, which is also extremely difficult and dangerous f an idea. The nuclear family is not directly harmed, people cheat for free all the time, this just decriminalizes doing it for money. The same logic in my last…  Read more

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…4mos4MO

I literally just explained to you WHY the government has a strong reason to discourage it, but you just respond with this word salad nonsense about not thinking the Bible is the basis of law. Why shouldn't it be? Wouldn't God's laws be higher than government's laws? And since you have demonstrated an obvious inability to make a logical argument against God, why are you assuming, again, that He doesn't exist?

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

The nuclear family is not going to be damaged much by allowing something that already happens to continue with the addon of money being involved. Someone can screw with someone else if they’re willing to pay for it, I don’t freaking care, that’s not hurting people directly, that’s something that already happens anyway without criminalization in most places, and the nuclear family is fine. I literally don’t even care about that thing, and I’m fine with others doing it as they wish, though I find it shameful to do in a marriage, that will happen with or witho…  Read more

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…3mos3MO

Why is the Bible not a great basis for laws? As I demonstrated, it is the ONLY LOGICAL POSSIBILITY – and as you demonstrated, the atheist has ZERO rational rebuttals to the logical proof presented. As it is the only logical possibility, meaning that it must be the inerrant word of God, it is the best basis for laws that human beings have at their disposal. If you would like to argue otherwise, you're going to have to first justify your capacity for reasoning, morality, and the reliability of your senses, explain what your ultimate standard is, and show me how it can justify everything that is knowable. I've done this, now your turn.

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