Try the political quiz

10 Replies

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

I have a tendency to hate immigration conspiracy. :)

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…4mos4MO

It's a basic statement of Joe Biden's plan :)

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

No it’s not really a statement, he meant to allow immigrants in, not replace white people with them. You think that america needs them to come here to be cheap labor? We have companies in Mexico and South America, we just use those to harvest money.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…4mos4MO

Birthrates of white people are less than two children per couple, birthrates of immigrants are vastly more than that. Do the math – white population declines, minority populations sky-rocket, Democrats pander to these groups with the "oppressed/oppresser" narrative, scapegoat whites for every problem, eventually leading down in a few decades, or before, to a Holocaust of whites, and White Codes, a version of "Jim Crow" against whites. This is reasonable, and we have no reason not to believe it what with the current race-mongering politics of these cunning politicians.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

It’s also the only thing keeping the US above the replacement rate of children, because the working conditions in the US are garbage, so having multiple kids is unsustainable, so those large-family mentalities are often destroyed. Mexicans often are viewed with the “oppressed” perspective, and the majority of them are actually conservative, so their political beliefs aren’t really gonna shift the nation left-wards. They also don’t scapegoat white people for everything, that’s really not the most common goal as much as republican scapegoating (far more commo…  Read more

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