Try the political quiz

5 Replies

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington disagreed…4mos4MO

If you hate dealing with my argument so much, one solution would be to provide a logical answer to it. But since you can't, I will absolutely continue to bring up the rather embarrassing fact that your worldview can't account for the preconditions of intelligibility or any aspect of reality in a non-arbitrary way, because really it makes you automatically wrong on so many of these issues we're discussing. Who created God? Where did he come from? How did he begin? Fallacies, all three questions – the fallacy of the complex question. You're circular reasoning, assuming…  Read more

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia disagreed…4mos4MO

And the concept that a being can have existed outside of time itself for eternity breaks the fabric of everything. The claim that the Bible is capable of creating a solid worldview yet also failing to explain the very being that creates it in a manner that is physically possible. The very teachings the Bible uses to explain gods existence could just easily be copied in a Marvel comic or some other figment of imagination. No matter what, every origin we try to create for ourselves or believe is real sounds hilariously dumb everytime we try to explain it to ourselves, from the Big Bang to creationism.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington disagreed…4mos4MO

How..? And Christianity is the only logical possibility, by the way... (hate to keep bringing this up, but I have to)

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia disagreed…3mos3MO

There’s two concepts we’ve brought up here:

1: We all come from some divine being of ludicrously high power that managed to create every atom in the universe, and we down here on earth somehow understand and know that for a fact when we’ve barely managed to venture out into space or the universe at all.

2: The universe was formed from a random explosion of plasma and matter at a singular point that is the epicenter of the universe. We’re unsure where that is or what shape/form the universe has now, but we’re down here trying to figure that out for ourselves without any real being behind it other than the fact that it just… exists as far as we understand.

Both sound kinda ridiculous when you say them the right way, don’t you think?

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington disagreed…3mos3MO

First off, you still haven't answered my question about HOW the concept of God's existence "breaks the fabric of everything" – and I honestly expected that, having made such a massive and bold claim, you'd have a very good reason for making it. Apparently I was wrong. Secondly, the concepts you mentioned are messed up, it should be:

1: God is real, he is Omnipotent, and he created the universe, revealed some of His thoughts to us via the Bible, but we rebelled against his will, resulting in all the problems we see in the world today, but Jesus offers us the hope…  Read more

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