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6 Replies

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington disagreed…3mos3MO

Great! Then it's time to remove evolution and the Big Bang from school textbooks, and stop showing favouritism to secularism, gender ideology, and socialism!

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia disagreed…3mos3MO

Evolution is quite literally science, and a heavily proven science at that. It happens on the macro and micro scale, that’s been empirically proven, what religious types tend to hate about evolution is the claim that humans had a common ancestor with apes, which isn’t really a necessary thing to mention if we HAVE TO change it.

The Big Bang is merely the most likely and proven theory of the universe so far, and rejecting it in science classes is both unscientific and unnecessary, since it’s a common consensus that’s open to scientific change, not a solidified fact quit…  Read more

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington disagreed…3mos3MO

Evolution is quite literally science

No, it's a scientific hypothesis with zero evidence supporting it. I want to clear a few things up – I believe in traits changing, over time, within different kinds of animals. I believe wolves were the common ancestor of dogs, coyotes, etc. I believe there was probably a common cat ancestor. That's the part that's "science" and has been "proven" – we see it happening. We see dogs changing into other dog breeds. What we never see though, is a Banana turning into a dog, or a Fish turning into a Gorilla, or a Mos…  Read more

 @PacifiedBureaucratfrom Kansas disagreed…3mos3MO

No, it's a scientific hypothesis with zero evidence supporting it

For microevolution, let's take the example of a simple organism like a bacterium. Bacteria reproduce so quickly that we can observe many generations in a short amount of time. This allows us to see evolution in action. For instance, the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria is a well-documented example of evolution. When exposed to an antibiotic, most bacteria die. However, some may have a mutation that makes them resistant. These bacteria survive and reproduce, passing on the resistance trait to their offspring. Over time, the population becomes dominated by resistant bacteria - evolution has occurred.

As for macroevolution - we can see clear transitions between species in fossil records, such as the evolutionary sequence leading from primitive synapsid reptiles to mammals, or the transition from fish to tetrapods.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington disagreed…3mos3MO

let's take the example of a simple organism like a bacterium. Bacteria reproduce so quickly that we can observe many generations in a short amount of time. This allows us to see evolution in action. For instance, the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria is a well-documented example of evolution. When exposed to an antibiotic, most bacteria die. However, some may have a mutation that makes them resistant. These bacteria survive and reproduce, passing on the resistance trait to their offspring. Over time, the population becomes dominated by resistant bacteria - evolution has…  Read more

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia disagreed…3mos3MO

Macro-evolution on the level you’re speaking of was never a point that I, or most any scientist, is trying to prove, but overtime macro-evolution such as humans from apes over millions of years of micro-evolutionary changes IS possible, I’m not denying that a single generation doesn’t create a whole new species, that’s one of the most common scientific explanations that they’ve never once tried to refute. The first thing you learn in biology class is that it takes a lot of time for noticeable differences to show, and that a single generation doesn’t become…  Read more

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